Puget Sound, Washington - Best Public Piers for Salmon Fishing
"I had just battled the 15-pound Chinook for what seemed like an eternity. Luckily, my fellow pier anglers also knew that this was a special catch, and worked with me to avoid tangles as it took runs to pier-left and then pier-right. A fellow angler lent a hand with his hoop-net to get it captured, this would be the most memorable catch of my year."
Salmon fishing in the city - Seattle's favorite fishing piers
Seattle is blessed to have a few really great public fishing spots where anglers can catch salmon without the use of a boat. It's sometimes wild to think that even here in the heart of the biggest city in the Pacific Northwest, we catch salmon with surprising regularity. Grab a few of our favorite pier fishing lures and head out to any of these awesome salmon fishing spots.
Some of our piers are open year-round for salmon fishing and others have a limited season. Regardless of where you are going, please familiarize yourself with the fishing regulations for your favorite spot here: WDFW Fishing Regulations.
Seacrest Park Pier in West Seattle
Seacrest Pier is one of the most picturesque fishing spots in Washington State. Located across Elliott Bay from the city, visitors get the best view of downtown Seattle while they fish for Chinook, Coho and Pink Salmon. It's a busy spot, where walkers, joggers, Water Taxi passengers, as well as anglers congregate. It is well worth the trip to fish at Seattle's best fishing pier. The Duwamish River is closeby, and its large return of Salmon passes by this pier, making it a very productive place to fish. Parking, ADA access, restrooms and a fish cleaning station are available. Check out Seattle Parks - Seacrest Park and WDFW - Seacrest Park Pier. Located in Marine Area 10's Elliott Bay at 1660 Harbor Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126.
Spokane Street Bridge in Seattle's Sodo
Located in the industrial center of Seattle, the Spokane Street Bridge offers anglers a chance at catching salmon as they migrate up the Duwamish River. This low-bridge gets you from Sodo to West Seattle, but if you stop by in late Summer to fall, you will at times see alot of activity concentrated around the East Waterway's fishing area. Check out WDFW - Spokane Street Bridge. The fishing area is located on the south sidewalk where the bridge crosses over the east waterway of the Duwamish River.
Great salmon fishing from the public piers north of Seattle, Washington
North Puget Sound has some great salmon fishing, and there is a public fishing pier within a short drive from pretty much every city north of Seattle.
Edmonds Pier
The Edmonds Pier is one of the most strategically located fishing piers, as it fronts Puget Sound in an area where Chinook, Coho and Pink Salmon are found to concentrate in great numbers and feed. It is also pretty deep right in front of it, so the salmon aren't shy about swimming into casting range. Arguably one of the highest salmon catch rates out of any pier in Puget Sound, but also one of the busiest! Located on the Edmonds waterfront between the Edmonds Marina and the ferry terminal. Check out City of Edmonds - Visitor Station and Fishing Pier and WDFW - Edmonds Pier. Located in Marine Area 9 at 219 Railroad Ave, Edmonds, WA 98020.
Kayak Point County Park Pier
Kayak Point is a large county park just north of Marysville, and its public fishing pier draws plenty of summertime activity. During late summer and early fall, Coho and Pink Salmon can be caught here as they enter Port Susan on their way back to the Stillaguamish and Snohomish Rivers. Check out Snohomish County - Kayak Point Regional County Park and WDFW - Kayak Point County Park Pier. Located in Marine Area 8-2 at 94th Ave NW, Stanwood, WA 98292.
Mukilteo Pier
The new ferry terminal at Mukilteo came with a welcome addition for public fishing access in Possession Sound, a new fishing pier! The pier offers a great chance for residents and visitors to Mukilteo, Everett and Lynwood to get out and catch Coho and Pink Salmon when in season. Check out WDFW - Mukilteo Fishing Piers. Located in Marine Area 8-2 adjacent to the ferry terminal at 910 Front Street, Mukilte, WA 98275.
Discover the best salmon fishing from shore in South Puget Sound
If you are visiting or live in the South Puget Sound, you most likely have a public fishing pier nearby! While there are dozens of piers located in South King County, Pierce County and Thurston County, there are a few that top the list of best South Puget Sound salmon fishing piers. Here are our four best salmon fishing piers in South Puget Sound.
Marina Pier in Des Moines
Des Moines Marina Pier is a local favorite for people in Des Moines, Normandy Park, Sea Tac and Kent that want to get a little saltwater salmon fishing in. The pier is located on the north side of the Des Moines Marina entrance and is a place where Chinook, Coho and Pink Salmon are regularly caught. Parking, ADA access, restrooms and fish cleaning station are available. Check out WDFW - Des Moines Marina Pier. Located in Marine Area 11 at 410 S 222nd Street, Des Moines, WA 98198.
Les Davis Pier in Tacoma
Les Davis Pier is the most popular salmon fishing pier in Tacoma. It is centrally located off Ruston Way in Commencement Bay, and within casting range to the salmon that feed in the bay before they migrate back to the Puyallup River. Parking, ADA access, fish cleaning station and restrooms available. Check out Tacoma Metro Parks - Les Davis Pier and WDFW - Les Davis Pier. Located in Marine Area 11 at 3427 Ruston Way, Tacoma, WA 98402.
Point Defiance Marina Boathouse Pier
Tacoma's Point Defiance Boathouse has been an institution for the South Puget Sound fishing community for generations. It is located adjacent to one of the most iconic salmon fishing spots in Puget Sound, Point Defiance, and has a fishing pier that is open during the boathouse's normal business hours. Salmon fishing from the pier can be quite good at times! Parking, ADA access, fishing cleaning station and bathrooms are available. Check out Tacoma Metro Parks - Point Defiance Marina and WDFW - Point Defiance Marina Boathouse. Located in Marine Area 11 at 5912 N Waterfront Drive, Tacoma, WA 98407.
Fox Island Fishing Pier
Fox Island's only fishing pier is perfectly situated for anyone in the Gig Harbor area of South Kitsap County, that wants to catch a salmon but doesn't have access to a boat. Chinook, Coho and Pink Salmon headed to all South Puget Sound rivers and streams swim through the Tacoma Narrows, and Fox Island Pier is located near this salmon migration choke-point. This public pier is located on the east side of the island and has a decent dropoff in front of it. Parking, ADA access, paved pathways, picnic areas, restrooms available. Check out PenMet Parks - Fox Island Fishing Pier and WDFW - Fox Island Fishing Pier. Located in Marine Area 13 at 1453 Ozette Drive, Fox Island, WA 98333.